Friday, October 23, 2009

World Championship

The World Taekwondo Championship 2009 come and gone and once again our Malaysia's athletes came back empty-handed. Our best achievement thus far in the world championship since its inception is only a bronze medal.

In Malaysia, Taekwondo is the most widely practice martial art in the country and yet we are unable to produce a world champion while in wushu, we managed to have a couple of world champion although it is not widely available in Malaysia.

My question is why? Where does it go wrong? Are we clouded by arrogance of merely being the most popular martial art sports in the country or are we just incapable in producing a world champion?

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps it's because Wushu is not an olympic sport and usually olympic sports have a more concrete judging system. That's why sports like karate also have produced many more champions than taekwondo.
